Tour 1 / Glasgow’s Medical Breakthroughs at the GRI

Visit the Glasgow Royal Infirmary Museum for a short presentation about how discoveries made within the hospital’s walls shaped healthcare throughout the world, followed by a guided tour of the museum and the new Medicinal and Biodiversity garden areas. Refreshments served.

This is a free event, but we have very limited spaces available, so book now to avoid disappointment!

This event is offered in partnership with the Glasgow Royal Infirmary Museum. The tour may move around multiple locations—if you require assistance with mobility, please contact us at the time of booking and we will ensure your access needs are supported. 


Tour 1

free (booking essential)

Thurs 19 and Fri 20 September 2024
15:15 – 16:15

Friends of GRI Museum

Glasgow Royal Infirmary
84 Castle Street
Glasgow G4 0SF